Download free metroid other m japanese
Download free metroid other m japanese

  • This mod is for the NTSC-U (North America) version only.
  • If you wish to have this mod configuration directly in your gamelist for quick access, select "Save as Preset.".
  • Do the same for "other_m_true_japanese_text".
  • Under "Contents", switch True Japanese Audio to "Enabled".
  • Click "Open Riivolution XML." and select the XML file for "other_m_true_japanese_audio".
  • From the gamelist, right-click on the game and select "Start with Riivolution Patches.".
  • Launch the Dolphin emulator and check if the base game is available in your gamelist, and the GameID is R3OE01.
  • You may need to create the "Riivolution" folder if it does not exist.
  • On Windows, the default path is "Dolphin-圆4\User\Load\Riivolution".
  • Move the folders "other_m_true_japanese_audio" and "other_m_true_japanese_text" to your currently configured Dolphin "Load" path and place them in the "Riivolution" folder.
  • Download and extract both the two current folders: "MOMJapBETAv0_1_0", and "MOMJapBETAv0_2_0_TMsubtitles".
  • This mod has only been tested on the Dolphin Emulator and may not work on actual Wii hardware.
  • A saved file with Theater Mode fully unlocked (optional).
  • An ISO of the North American version of the game.
  • Dolphin Emulator version 5.0-15407 or newer.
  • To use this mod for Metroid Other M, you need: It has not been tested nor endorsed for use on actual Wii hardware at this time. Note: This Riivolution mod has currently only been tested for use on Dolphin Emulator. The result is the ability to play the US version of "Metroid: Other M" with both Japanese voice acting and improved subtitles.

    download free metroid other m japanese

    After months of research and effort, the Japanese tracks were made the default and a Riivolution mod was created to force the game to use the Japanese voice acting and modified subtitles. However, the Japanese audio tracks are still within the US version of the game, and the subtitles can be edited using a text editor. The Japanese version of the game allows the player to select between Japanese and English voice acting and subtitles, but it still uses the same flawed English localization for subtitles.

    download free metroid other m japanese

    The inspiration for this project came from a video that highlighted the differences between the Japanese script and English localization. Replacing the poor English localization with a more accurate version based on the Japanese script.Converting the game's voice-over from English to Japanese.Metroid: Other M - True Japanese Mod is a project aims to edit the North American version of Metroid: Other M with two goals in mind:

    Download free metroid other m japanese